Senior Club Information 4 of 10

4. Avalibility

Please could you enter your availability ideally as far in advance as possible – captains need to be able to look at least a month ahead, to plan effectively. You can enter as available/unavailable/don’t know, and note any restrictions such as if you can’t play early/ late because of work/ school etc. Remember some of the listed times may change (and some away games still have no time set), so don’t assume you can’t play because the time looks wrong, or you expect to be in a particular team!

If you are new to the club/seniors and are unsure about commitment, let club captains or your team captain know, and we will be glad to have a chat and answer any queries etc – we hope that we will be able to accommodate all players.

Players who had not previously been allocated to a team (including new U16s) will by default have been listed as 5s – this enables you to enter availability for Saturdays, so please don’t worry if you think you should be higher – all captains can see the availabilities and will be discussing and reviewing squads.

Selection will be made based on final known availabilities posted by the Sunday morning preceding the Saturday game. Please make sure that you keep this up to date – changes do happen, and can be made up to one week in advance on the website, but any changes after this time please make sure you contact your captain directly.